Sunday, November 15, 2009

Today I am thankful for.........

Daniel. Sometimes he cries out in the middle of the night. When I go in to check on him he wraps his little arm tightly around mine and says, still half asleep "momma?" He continues to hold me as tight as he possibly can. Whenever I sneeze he is the first to say, "bless you momma." He gives me hugs and kisses randomly throughout the day and he always climbs in on my side of the bed when he wakes up in the morning.

Daniel and I have always had a special bond. I feel like we relate and understand each other. He is super smart and he really does listen and understand when I explain things to him. He has always been a mommy's boy.

I love to kiss his chubby cheeks, and listen to him laugh as I chase him around the house. I love to tickle him especially his little neck. I love what a tease he is and his great sense of humor. He is so cuddly and so sweet. He is EVERYTHING I dreamed of when I dreamed of having a little boy.

I have to admit his need to be my constant shadow has been frustrating and overwhelming at times especially being that he is a twin and could never have my undevided attention. But really I wouldn't want it any differently and I have come to realize that I need him even more than he needs me.

His need to wrap his little arms around mine in the middle of the night won't last forever. My love for him will. Don't worry, I'm not playing favorites. I have the whole month of November to finish all my "thankful posts."


Brimaca said...

That's so sweet. L has been wanting me to rock her every night before bed and it's been a bit frustrating. She's always just went to bed. I guess I should just stop fighting it and enjoy it. :)

Astorga Crew said...

Phew! You got me scared:). He is a cutie!