Monday, November 30, 2009

Thankful post/ nov 28th

On Saturday I was able to take the boys for a walk. It was a little cold but still a beautiful day. I pushed them up and down the hills around my parents neighborhood. At one point the boys wanted out of the stroller. They worked hard pushing the stroller up the hills themselves. We also practiced running backwards and sideways. We jumped over rocks and we even rolled down grassy hills. I was thankful for the nice weather but even more thankful for the health of my sweet boys.

From the moment I found out I was pregnant with twins the doctors had me worried. One doctor I remember in particular telling Matthew and I that he would never wish twins upon ANYONE!!....thanks a lot. Mainly because of all the complications that can take place. We had many ultra sounds and prayed continuously that we would deliver the boys full term. We were told that many times multiples have to stay in the hospital a lot longer than the mother does.

My boys were born at 37 weeks, which is full term for twins. They were both healthy and around 6 lbs each. Our prayers were answered, and now whenever I see them running and playing I just can't take it for granted. How grateful I am for two super healthy children, that can do all the things I imagined my little boys would someday do. They can be pretty hyper at times and can make life a little hectic, but really what a blessing that is.

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