Sunday, November 1, 2009

I am thankful for............

Lazy Sunday afternoons, when there is nothing to do but bury daddy in toys and take pictures of ourselves.

This is the first post of my daily month long "thankful posts." It will be a challenge for me because I am not a consistent poster but I am hoping that by posting everyday I will become even more aware of the many simple blessings around me that I am indeed so thankful for!!
By the way, I have more post updates below.


Brimaca said...

So those were some of the cutest posts ever! I can't even remember everything I wanted to say. Their costumes were great. The art was fun! You look so good. I love that you will be posting daily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tiare said...

hilarious! what a good sport Matt is.
LOVE your daily post idea. excited to have something to read!!!

jessi said...

So funny! Matt is a good dad! (And you are a wonderful mommy!)

Amy Piller said...

too cute, I don't know that I agree about Matt being a good dad though, LOL. You know I love ya and even Matt. Can't wait for you to be here. Hey I think there is a bday coming up soon!!!

Chambers said...

Those big birds are adorable. And I would like to try a thankful post as well. You made a very cute cowgirl. Ironically, this was my first year not coming up with last inute costume for us and this is the year that the other adults in the group actually dressed up.

Crystal said...

How cute! Looks like a lot of fun.