Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thankful post for.......Nov 23rd

I love my mother-in-law! She amazes me, and she would amaze you too, if you knew her. The hardest worker I know, supporting her children for many years on her own. Putting all four through college, making sure they all graduated. Throughout Matthew's life she would wake EVERY morning at 3:00am for her paper route, hurrying home five days a week to be there when her daycare kids would arrive. She would do daycare ALL day, only giving her a few hours in the evening to magnify her church callings(for many years as relief society president.) I can't imagine how she did it. She worked hard for her children and she still does. She seems to live for her children and grandchildren, never worrying about herself.

She is so giving, always wanting to help and serve those around her. She has the strongest testimony of the Gospel, and I'm sure she had to really rely on it quite a bit throughout her life....especially raising Matthew:)

I am so thankful for her. I love when she comes to visit. She spends hours with Nathan and Daniel, she is patient and kind. I love playing Rummikub with her......even if she is a little competitive at times:) When she is around I NEVER have to unload my dishwasher, my laundry is magically always washed and folded. She is always telling me to go and do whatever I need to while she watches the kiddos. She is more excited for me than I am when little things go my way.

People are surprised that my mother-in-law never gets on my nerves after her long visits. And really surprised when I then mention I wish she could stay even longer.....or move in with us if she wants. I am truly blessed to have her for a mother, and my children are blessed to have her for their Grandma.

We love you Grandma Lorz and we are so happy we got to celebrate your birthday with you!


Mrs. JM said...

that is so sweet! i love my mother in law too for her un-conditional love and un-ending devotion to her family.

Amy Piller said...

Ok, so you have me in tears! I don't really know her but I know Matt and she must be a pretty great lady!

Nick said...

I love her too. If not for her Matt and I would have missed out on that great playoff between Utah and Houston. Plus I first sampled Aggie Blue Mint while at her house watching the games.

Susie said...

She is a very special woman indeed. Beautiful tribute.