Wednesday, November 26, 2014

School Days


Many days as I'm watching my little boys head off to school I think to myself that I just want to remember the moment forever. So cute so innocent with their little transformer backpacks and smiles on their faces.  They like to ride their scooters and they like to walk with their neighbor friends.  It is a wonderful site to see. Why the boys are gone it is just me and my girls.  Are days are never very exciting. A lot of playing, cleaning, laundry, and preparing meals. but how thankful I am to be home with my kids.  Of course when the boys get home from school that is a whole different story.  It feels like the CRAZIEST time of day. Homework, dinner, toddler needing attention, baby hungry and tired.  Some days I just am not sure we are all going to survive, but somehow we do and then we get to start it all over the next day!!

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