Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Ava girl!

Baby Ava around four months old in these pictures.  She is by far my best eater. She nurses like a champ. I have never had a problem nursing her and I actually really enjoy that special bonding time we have together.  We get to go in her room turn out the lights and rock and nurse in her comfy recliner.  She rarely sleeps through the night but she doesn't have very many really bad nights.  She wont take a pacifier which has been frustrating at times but she does love to suck her thumb.  She loves to smile and laugh at her brothers and I can already tell she has a great sense of humor.  She is not a great napper....really sporadic.  She can be fussy at times and usually during the hardest times of the day, but overall she is such a easygoing sweet baby.  She has the most fantastic hair and she gets comments all the time about how beautiful she is.  I am so thankful she is in our family and that she is happy and healthy and growing just the way she should be. We all love her to pieces and really couldn't imagine our family without her here.

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