Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Dear Daniel (6 years old)

Dear Daniel,

You are such a sweet boy. Deep feeling, always thinking of others and so concerned about those around you.  Spending time with the WHOLE family is so important to you, but I also know you love to have dates with your daddy as well.  You love going to school and learning. You never complain about going to school and you do so well.  You are a friend to everyone and that makes my heart so happy.  I can always count on you to be kind and never have to worry that you will ever get in trouble for hurting someone else and that means so much to me.  You have a good heart and a desire to learn and do so much.  I love to watch others work and you are a hard worker yourself. You ask so many intelligent question and I know you have so many ideas and plans for your future.  You wanted tools for Christmas and you have great plans to learn how to build, even attempting to build your own tree house!! You love to give me hugs and sit and cuddle. You are always trying to give things to others and you are so unselfish.  I know that your feeling get hurt easily and you sometimes need to have a good cry.  You should never feel bad about that. Being sensitive is a gift and it will help you in your relationships with others for the rest of your life. Never be afraid to tell someone how you feel and always be true to who you are no matter what others may think about it.

You are so special to me and I feel blessed to be your mom.  I know there are great things in store for you as you follow your savior and remember who you and what you stand for. Always do what feels right in your heart, because you have a good heart, one that is led by the Spirit and will not lead you astray.  I know you are in a hurry to grow up. Wanting to grow tall fast and lose all your teeth quickly so you can get your big ones. Always thinking about who you want to be when you grow up and what your going to buy for me when you have the money. It's all so sweet, but please don't grow up to quickly. Enjoy your life as kid. Make lots of memories, have tons of fun. It's ok to want to be by yourself sometimes, in fact that is one of the great qualities I see in you, is your ability to play on your own, but I also hope you surround yourself with others who will uplift you and treat you with the love and respect you deserve.  Your mommy and daddy love you more than you will ever know, and we cherish all these tender moments that we have with you, at this fun wonderful stage of your life. We love you!!

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