Wednesday, November 26, 2014

My Twinkies turn 7!!

We decided that instead of a birthday party with friends this year we would go to Chuck E Cheese's with their cousin Ethan. They seemed fine with that, but for some reason I have not been fine with it. I feel a bit guilty knowing how they look forward to their friend party all year long.  I figured we would make up for it by having a huge party for their 8th birthday which is of course the MOST important birthday EVER!

These boys are so pleasant and easy to please. They are just so happy with anything, and that is another reason why I love them so much. They both wanted new bikes this year and that's what they got! They also got a party at Grandma and Grandpas with their cousins. I can't believe I have two 7 year old boys and I really can't believe they will be getting baptized NEXT year. I love them.

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