Thursday, August 2, 2012

It's been awhile and a lot has happened.  Matt got a new job (that he loves, and that was such a blessing) we moved to Logan, we bought a little home, We painted a lot, and weeded a lot more, and we still have a lot to do.  Marie started crawling, then turned one and started walking, but still has no teeth.  I got Strep and a few other illnesses have made their rounds around here.  I got called back to Primary and Matt got called to teach Gospel Doctrine(poor Matt.) I do a little trade work for the local Sports Academy for a family membership and I have been doing a lot of Zumba....which I said I would never do.  We live in the nicest little neighborhood where somehow our trash gets taken out for us every Thursday morning, our weed piles on the lawn magically disappear, and our sprinkler heads miraculously get fixed.all three things from different people.......really nice people around here. We have had a lot of family parties preparing to say goodbye to my parents who are now serving a mission in Russia...which was suppose to be San Diego.  We have been busy and we are happy.  Life is never perfect and I am glad it's not, but one thing I do know is the Lord is mindful of us in every way.  We go through trials for a reason. This last year has been one of the hardest years of our lives and blessings do come after the trials. I have a lot of joy because my testimony has been strengthened in one area in particular  PRAYER.  I know it is real, I know it works, and I have so much peace because of it.

So the blog will go on, but I am not going to do marathon posts,  I will try to catch up on the last months with a quick post each day.  I don't know who even blogs anymore but it's fun to know that my parents all the way in Siberia can see a daily post and update of the kiddos.  Hopefully that will put a little smile on their faces, and give me goal to help time go by this next year while they are gone. 

Oh, I have so many pictures to post.  Lets just start with a weekend at the cabin.  Stories from Grandpa, games, sliding down the stairs, boys caught their first fish, and we all came home with great memories except for my brother Ryan and his family they just came home with the worst flu they have ever had in their entire life......thanks to my boys.  But that is another story.


Brimaca said...

I still blog.

Michelle said...

I don't blog... But I like reading yours. I am not good about reading it regularly but I enjoy your writing style and all the pics :)