Friday, August 3, 2012

You make me happy when skies are gray.

This last year was a rough one.  This little girl managed to put a smile on my face every single day.  She is the little light of my life and a blessing straight from heaven.  I had forgotten how amazing it is to watch your baby take their first steps.  She falls A LOT.  I feel sorry for her, I know it is frustrating and sad and probably hurts a little, but she keeps trying and she is getting really good.  And I think it is a little preparation for all of the "falls" that will be coming her way throughout her life.

It's nice to have a little help when learning something difficult.

 It can be hard and confusing when things don't work out quite how we planned them too.
 And sometimes it's just really, really, sad.  We all need a good cry
So we take a little break and put things back into perspective.
 Get busy doing something else, so we can give it our all again later.
But we don't give up.  We have to keep trying and falling.  Sooner or later we figure it out and it gets easier so we move onto somthing the stairs.

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