Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Someday I will not hear words with an "ED" at the end.  "Mom I really like-ed that," 
"Mom she talk-ed to me,"  "I laugh-ed at that,"  "I love-ed that cake."   I also wont be hearing things like "is that yourS food."  "I love yourS bread,"  "is it yourS turn?"   They love to add an "S" onto words that don't need them however they can't seem to say the "S" sound when it is the first letter of a word," such as springtime is "pringtime," stop is" top," spoon is "poon," and spot is "pot". 

These are habits I hope they can break by Kindergarten or before, but oh how I will miss sentences like..... "Mom I love-ed pringtime, is it yourS favorite too?"


jessi said...

too cute!!

Brimaca said...

The other day I realized Miss L was loosing so many of "her" words. I was so sad. I sat down and listened and wrote down all I could - which wasn't nearly as much as I would have caught six months ago. I hate forgetting these things. I will miss these days so much.

Susie said...

So cute!