Monday, August 6, 2012

A loooong year ahead.

I know "they" say that a year flies by in mission time.  That before I know it my parents will be home safe and sound from Russia, that we will pick up right where we left off and it won't even seem like they were gone at all.   Well "they" are wrong.  In my opinion this next year will be one of the longest years of my life.  The first day they left for the MTC I cried over EVERYTHING.  My messy house, my screaming kids, my husbands long hours of work where all made worse just from the fact that I knew I could not call my mom whenever I wanted knowing she would understand, because she always does.  I have struggled with this whole mission thing, and the fact that they are in Russia (technically Siberia) does not make it any easier.  To know that my dad has to carry a fake wallet with him because chances are they will be mugged....many times, does not help ease my mind.

I did receive my first email from my mom. She wrote every detail, and I loved it.  It made me a little bit more excited and I really am quite happy for them and even a little excited to hear about all of their experiences.  I love them and I will miss them but even more than that I am so proud of them. I was truly blessed with the greatest parents.....parents that took us to one of my favorite places, the "The Roof" for dinner as a last goodbye before they headed off.  It was fun like always.  A lot of laughter, tears, and love.  We will miss you mom and dad, but thank goodness for Skype!!!

1 comment:

Susie said...

(Tear.) Golly gee wiz, I'm sorry they are so far from you. They are the bravest people I know. And.....they are in the "Hallow of His Hands". They are "Bringing the World His Truth".

So nice you all celebrated at The Roof before saying "God be with you till we Meet again".