Tuesday, August 7, 2012

We cleaned the sink!

We had a family night lesson about service.  When it was over Matt asked the kids if it might be a good idea to go do service for someone else like helping them clean their kitchen sink.  The boys agreed...a little hesitantly.  So we went to the restaurant Angie's. The boys said "oh, we are cleaning the sink at the restaurant." We said yes it would be a nice thing to do.  The waiter asked what we wanted and we said "the kitchen sink" the boys were in total shock when they brought out an actual sink overflowing with ice cream.  They were so excited.  We told them it was time to clean the sink....and we ate and ate and ate, until the sink was clean.  We got our picture on the wall and a bumper sticker that says "we cleaned the sink at Angie's."  Daniel still doesn't understand why we don't have that on our car....some things are hard to explain to a child. It was a fun night and I will never forget the huge eyes and amazed faces when the sink was brought to our table.


Brimaca said...

He he! Love it!

Susie said...

You guys are too funny! What a riot. You had me going. Love it!