Saturday, August 14, 2010

taught by such a simple statement

I have always taught my boys about Jesus, but this time was different.

Daniel brought me a picture of Jesus and asked me why he had holes in his hands and feet. I am sure I have explained this before, but I could tell he really wanted to know everything I could possibly tell him. So that is what I did.

I told him about his life, his death, and his resurrection. I told him the details and wondered if it may be too much for a barely three year old to hear some of these graphic details, and much more to understand them.

The Atonement of Jesus Christ is not an easy thing for me to wrap my head around. There is a lot I don't understand or even comprehend. I remember studying it ALL the time on my mission, and I still do. However, the more I understand the more I realize I don't understand, and that's when I remember my faith, and hope, and realize somethings we won't understand until we leave this earth.

As I wrapped up my long explanation of the amazing story of our Savior. I sat there for a minute wondering what was going through my three year olds mind and what would soon come out of his little mouth. He then looked up at me and very sweetly, all he said was.......

" Oh,......I lub Jesus."

May not seem profound, but to me it was. I was again reminded that I don't need to know, understand, or comprehend EVERYTHING about our Savior Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for me, maybe all I have to do is just "lub" him.


Leslie and Alan said...

there are no words to express the love!

tiare said...

out of the mouths of babes! what a sweet story for this sabbath morning.
thanks for sharing!!!

Brimaca said...

So sweet.

Susie said...

Very sweet and tender. I love the photo!

Tasha said...

So precious! There is not a more pure testimony than that...thanks for sharing. That made me cry!