Wednesday, August 18, 2010

National Women's Self Appreciation day.

I was inspired by my friend Katy's blog to do this post. I think it is a great idea and I think it really should be a holiday to celebrate.

I know I am not the only girl out there who has at times focused on my flaws instead of appreciating the great things. So here goes. I will post some things I appreciate about myself, and then I would love to see you do the same!

1) I appreciate that I don't feel the need to always be right.

2) I appreciate that I am NOT a perfectionist.

3) I appreciate that I don't need a lot to be happy, and that something as simple as really good shaved ice...can make my whole day.

4) I appreciate that despite what others may see, I really think of myself as a cowgirl at heart:)

It can be easier to love everyone else more than yourself, but now is your chance to say what you really do love about you!


Tasha said...

It has been fun to see you posting more lately!

Oh, and I will always think of you as a country dancing cowgirl!

Brimaca said...

I love you for oh so many reasons. You are amazing.

No Big Dill said...

Thanks for playing, Marianne! Those are wonderful things about you. There is beauty in simplicity :)

jessi said...

What's not to love about you?!? Your the best!

Susie said...

I love the photo of you on your hike. - Always smiling. Gorgeous mountain background.