Wednesday, August 6, 2008


First of all I want to thank you all for your fun memory comments. I was brought back to sooo many fun memories and I was often laughing out loud. I can't believe how blessed my life has been because of all of you!! And Matthew I have to say your comment was my favorite, thanks for all of the wonderful memories.

This summer has been good to us. In fact I am really dreading Matt having to go back to school it just a few weeks. We have been having way too much fun. I spent the month of July in Utah with the babies. Matt wasn't able to go and it was really hard without him, but I really wanted the babies to experience a Utah summer with cousins, grandparents, the cabin, the 4th and 24th of July festivities, as well as a lot of ice cream, watermelon, popsicles, and seems we were always wet!! It was a wonderful summer the only regret I have is not keeping up with my posts because now I have so much to say and so many pictures to post that I feel overwhelmed. So now that things will be slowing down I will try to do a little post every day or so to let you all know what we have been up too!!


Nick and Stacey said...

I love it! Your boys are so darn cute! I have been missing the posts though! I totally understand summer is crazy, and especially going and visiting family....lots of pictures and no posting time!

Miss Amanda said...

Marianne, Danielle Doman is getting married! She is getting married on August 21st! Crazy huh? Her fiance is amazing and so great to couldn't ask for someone better. I am currently making her wedding video, so if you give me her email address I will send you some pictures!

Danielle said...

Ahhh thank heavens your back to blogging...I was getting worried

Alayna said...

Holy cow! Your boys are so big and so cute!

tiare said...

your boys are getting blonde! sooo cute! i'm glad you got to spend time with your family...there is nothing better!

Brimaca said...

Yay you're back!

Frank G. Noel said...

Dad and I loved your dancing days. I
could identify with your love of dancing. That is why we are building a dancing floor in our basement it will be big enough for us to all dance and cozy enough for Dad and I to dance alone. FUN hu? You will be able to bring back line dancing to all the grand kiddies and Dad and I will teach them how to do the twist. That should be banned.
Love ya MOM and Dad