Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Feeling Lonely?

So, in a few days I again will become a single parent(law school starts). Ok, not totally a single parent, Matt is really good at spending all his free time with the kiddo's, but still most everything else parent related is left up to me. So looking back on our fun, crazy, hectic, summer, I realized that I haven't really had a day away to have some fun for myself. So I told Matt that I would be going out for my last hoorah, before we have to get back into the daily grind of real life again. Yes, it would be by myself because I don't know anyone here in Florida who could just take the day off from kids and come play with me.

I love going out to eat and I love going to movies....two things that don't happen very often anymore. So I told Matt that's exactly what I was doing. He laughed and didn't believe that I would do that by myself. I am the type that can't stop thinking about the person all alone in the booth next to us at a restaurant. I never stop feeling sorry for the person alone at the movie, and wonder why they can't find anyone to go with them. But today I was that lonely person.

I went to PF chang's for my favorite Lettuce wraps. I came close to just getting it to go, but my whole point of going was so I could enjoy a meal in peace and not have to inhale it 3o seconds like I do at home. Then I went to a girlie movie. I didn't feel that looserish being alone, what made me really feel dumb was saying to the ticket lady...."one ticket for the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants part 2"(you have to admit that is a really long titled movie.) There were only 19 people in the theatre and four of us were by ourselves. The fact that I know that shows I was maybe a little uncomfortable being there alone.

I have to say, I way would have rather been with Matt or even any of you, but you gotta do what you gotta do, when you have the chance for some free time. As any mother can attest...even though we love our kids TO DEATH!!! We all need a little time to ourselves once in awhile. So was a feeling lonely today?.....I guess I was a little, but honestly if that is how lonely feels, I think I could get really use to it!!

When all my fun was over, I have to say, there was nothing better than seeing my three boys all with big smiles on their faces when I walked through the door. I guess it's true......"absence makes the heart grow fonder!"


Noel Family said...

That is awesome! I don't think I would have the guts to go and do that even though I really would want to. But I should try it :) I'm glad you got a chance to get out by your self. Another fun thing you can do for some alone time, is go to Starbucks and get a Steamer or hot chocolate and get a magazine and sit and read your magazine! There couches are sooo comfortable! My sister and i did that a while ago and it was so fun.

tiare said...

oh my heck! i totally get the same way. i hate seeing people eating alone...the elderly especially! you are one brave girl. i'll try to talk jared into taking a trip to FL. i've never been there before...
it's the best feeling knowing that you're missed. coming home is awesome.
can i get your e-mail address?

Amy Piller said...

You are the cutest ever! I wish I would have been there I totally would have gone out with you. I don't have kids and I still think I need some time away. Love you girl!

Brimaca said...

My friend Holly does that all the time. She loves it. Glad you did. I might do it when Libby is one and not breastfeeding. I have issues leaving my kids for long before that. Dinner is about all I can handle.

Brimaca said...
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Wendy Noel said...

Very Cute Marianne. I couldn't have gone out to dinner by myself. I did however go see The Lake House by myself and it was nice. You are such a cute mom! I hope you get to meet some moms this year that you will love to hang out with. I would have gone with you. It was great having you here this summer. We really miss you all!!

Melanie Chambers said...

Oh my gosh, Marianna, that was such a cute post. I couldn't relate to you more about the feeling for the "single person" in restraunts and movies. I've often wondered if I'd have the guts to go alone. You've inspired me.

Alayna said...

Wow! Big props to you! I don't know if I could do that...

jessi said...

How fun, it is always nice to have some time to just think to yourself. I've done the whole dinner by yourself thing, and I really don't seem to mind it. I was able to sit and watch people (I love being a people watcher) and make up stories of there lives....I obviously don't have that glamourous of a life so I like to make up fun stuff.

My friend on my blog I was talking about is Michelle and Jaron. You can go to her blog from my blog to read exactly what is so heartbreaking. Hey, thanks for the blog address of Stephanies, she is contacting Michelle to tell her about a private blog for mothers who have lost there babies... a great healing process for them.

I hope all is well!!!
ps have you lost weight?? You look so skinny in your pics!

Megane said...

Marianne!!!! It has been a long time! What like almost 10 years, thats how long I have almost been married. Your boys are adorable! How old are they? They look to be around the same age as my little Sarah. You look the same! keep in touch.
our blog

Brooke said...

You're too cute! I was picturing you sitting there at the restaurant and what I would think if I had seen you by yourself. I'd probably either think you had just broken up with a boyfriend and wanted some alone time or I'd think that your husband was a very successful businessman out of town for work or a professional athlete playing an away game and you just needed some time away from all the glitz and glamour to pretend to be a "regular" gal like the rest of us. Yah...that's what I'd think. :)

Tasha said...

I sure wish that I could have gone with you! I could use a day off! What a brave girl!