Wednesday, April 22, 2015


This year we put the boys together in the same class. They have Mrs. Western.  She has been great so far.  I am proud of Nathan and Daniel, they never give me hard time about going to school. They seem positive and happy and I know they are trying their hardest.  I know and have been told by their teacher that they are so nice to everyone around them. To me that means more than how well they do in school academically.  It is a little hard to see these boys getting so big. They are growing so fast but the are so fun. Daniel has so many good questions. He also has so many stories to tell. He is creative and he's always telling me what he wants to be when he grows up. From builder to army guy, to farmer, to cowboy.  He always has new ideas and always has something on his mind. He is sweet, generous, and so thoughtful.  Nathan is such an active kid. He always loves having people around him.  He always wants someone to play with because since he was born he has been all about having fun! He has one idea about what he will be when he grows up and that is a football player.  He's not much for wanting to do his chores or homework but he also is the quickest to finish so that he can play with friends.  He is an awesome big brother and is especially good with little babies like Ava.  He loves his family so much and he really is a pleaser.  I am so proud of my boys. I have always felt like Heavenly Father has blessed me with such sweet special boys.

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