Thursday, April 23, 2015


The boys had an opportunity to participate in a free two week hockey program near our home.  Of course the loved it, mainly because the seem to love all sports at this age, and of course the wanted to sign up.  I know Matt would have loved to sign them up but Hockey is SO expensive and we just weren't quite sure it was something we really wanted to commit to.  So we had a fun two weeks and then of course on the last day Daniel fell really hard and hurt his tailbone pretty bad. Poor kid.  I was impressed at how well they did out on the ice, and I am pretty sure it's because of all the roller blading that they do. They were able to go ice skating with their school class and I went with them. Everyone was impressed at how well they did on the ice. I guess in the future if it's still something they want to do then we will save up and let them try it out again.

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