Saturday, January 28, 2012

Photo shoot 2011

I love having pictures and HATE getting them done. I hate scheduling them. Worrying about weather, clothing, naps, getting ready, and having the time. It is on the top of my list of STRESS FULL activities. We never pay to have them done and usually put all the pressure on someone else (this year my brother Ryan.) I asked him to do it on Thanksgiving since I new Matt would not be working and we would all be there together. Of course we showed up late, everyone was starving and ready to eat and then we said "can you all hold on a minute while we go have a photography session." We wanted are pictures taken before way ate a HUGE Thanksgiving we would feel a little more comfortable in our clothes! No one complained but I am sure they were not happy.

Marie was obviously not happy, which is pretty rare for her. She was sooo tired. It was a little windy and I gave Ryan like 10 minutes to do it all. I wish we would have had more time to do more shots, but I think he did a great job considering the circumstances. I am not picky about pictures anyway, I like the more real candid shots, not so photoshoppy anyway. Thanks Ryan for pulling through. Next year we will show up a little earlier.......if you are still willing?

1 comment:

Tasha said...

These pictures are really good, and they look like a professional did them! I loved your Valentine and the cute note that came with it. Thanks for thinking of us!