Saturday, October 11, 2008

This pretty much sums up my week!!

Thank goodness tomorrow is a new day and the start of a new week.


Crystal said...

I definitly understand those days luckily for now I only have one munchkin to chase after and deal with. They are fun though!!

Noel Family said...

Don't you love those days! ;) So the "buldge" is not a baby bump, it's the after math that I can't get rid of!

Alayna said...

Aww, Mern. I'm sorry that you are having parental issues/little one tantrums. I have no idea what you are going through (since I am single and will be for the rest of my life), but I wish you well. Tomorrow is another day. Love ya!

Oh, and yes, I think you should definitely go for the hair trimmage. It can always grow back right?

Amy Piller said...

I am with Alayna on the whole not understanding what you are going through but I feel for you! Love you!

Wendy Noel said...

I can just hear the scream as I'm looking at the picture. sorry for you!! And quit teasing Kim about baby bulge. You are so bad!! you know the twins aren't much younger then mason. shouldn't you be thinking baby??? Just kidding!! love ya!

Tasha said...

Love it!~ Sadly the terrible twos are on the way! Tanner whines so much these days. Oh Well, at least tomorrow is always on the way, so we might as well just enjoy today while it is here!

Amberdawn said...

Yep, I know how you feel! Does it ever stop? Hope next week is better!

Brimaca said...

Amen Sista!