Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Missing Utah. Enjoying Florida.

I have to admit, it is not easy for me to be away from Utah during my favorite season...Fall. So that being said I am trying to make the best of enjoying Florida even though our Fall doesn't really start until November! We decided that it was time for a picnic at the beach.

Two of my favorite handsome little boys.

Little Nate can be VERY serious sometimes, but always VERY fun!!

Nathan has always been a daddy's boy.

A little out of order, but this is how we started our day. Who doesn't love blueberry pancake all over your face?

Nathan is taking care of some SERIOUS business on the way to the beach. You should hear him.....He knows how to JABBER like no one else, when he gets on the phone.
We decided to eat our food on the grass up higher than the beach area instead of on the sand. The reason being our little Daniel is notorious for dipping whatever he can find in the sand and then eating it!! He still managed to dip his fries in the sand a little later. My goodness, I just LOVE this little guy!!
So we may not have the beautiful autumn leaves falling all around us. But for now the beach will do!!


Megane said...

your boys are adorable! what a fun day at the beach!
Iowa has falls alot like utah, so it is nice, but i think our falls here are even more beautiful. we live up on a hill, no one behind us and we can see out for miles and miles of tree tops, so beautiful in the fall! I'll have to post a picture soon.

Amy Piller said...

marianne, don't miss Utah I want Florida. It is already snowing and freaking freezing here. I would do anything for some warm weather and a beach! When are you comeing back to Utah? Are you comeing for Christmas again?

Alayna said...

Mern, your boys are huge! I wish I could see them in person.

The reason I was asking how close you are to Ft Lauderdale is because the fam is going on a cruise in March. I was hoping it would be close enough to stop by and visit. We will have to see...

And secondly, I am asking Amy's question too. Are you heading to Utah for Christmas? If so I would totally make a trip up there to see you and everyone...

Jennifer Lyn said...

The beach looks like so much fun. To make you feel better, it did snow here in Utah a few days ago. (It didn't stick-thank goodness) So you don't have the leaves, but you don't have the possibility of snow in 5 minutes either. :) Your boys are so adorable!

Tasha said...

Isn't it amazing how you can beautiful and fun places where ever you go?! It looks like you guys are having a good time there in FL.

By the way, I loved you comment on Brit's Conf. blog. I totally agree that getting rid of junk is a refreshing feeling!!

Noel Family said...

You can never get sick of the beach in my opinion! Enjoy it while you can because it will go by fast.

Brimaca said...

I agree with everything. Libby also likes to dip things in sand and eat it. I miss the fall in Utah. However we have no beach. West TX is ugly.

Amy Piller said...

Little Nathan looks like he is getting chubby, I love it. Those are some cute kids!

jessi said...

I agree with amy, enjoy the warm weather! we are already starting yo be cooped up in the house because it is FREEZING! I want the BEACH!

Lindsey and Zach said...

I will mail you some Fall leaves,then you can glue them to the palm trees out there and have the UTAH fall. So your boys are lookin like men already! Kids just don't like to stay small for long, it's good and bad all at the same time...miss you tonzzz

Danielle said...

I would do the beach any day over the depressing wanna be summer, but really it's fall weather we're having. I just don't love waking up to the 30's and dressing like an eskimo, and then having to whip out the bikini in the evening. Not really...I don't own a bikini. Okay I do, but I don't wear it in public! Wow! Way too much info. I better go now.