Friday, December 7, 2007

It's Christmas Time

This is pretty much the extent of our Christmas decorating this year. We aren't getting a tree cause we are leaving for Utah this week for the Holidays. It's not much but Christmas isn't the same without some lights in your house!!!


Frank G. Noel said...

We Love the new blog. How did you get that set up? The pictures of Nathan and Daniel are great. Keep those coming. We are sure looking forward to seeing you all next Saturday. It wouldn't seem like christmas without you.
Mom and Dad

Danielle said...

Your house looks so cute and so clean!! I'm impressed.

Brimaca said...

Your house looks great! So bright and pretty. :)

Noel Family said...
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Noel Family said...

Sadly, your house looks better than ours right now. Kim is going to kill me if I don't get the shelves hung so we can put up the Xmas decorations. Looks good, someday we'll have to come see you in Florida.

frandsen family said...

I love your blog, I didn't even know what a blog was till I saw yours and ryans. You guys, are obviously more hip than us. Will you teach me how to do a blog so I can be cool too? I love seeing pictures of your boys. They are growing up so fast. can't wait to see you guys.
luv, natalie