Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Being a Blogger

So the blog thing is just not something family or friends of mine do so I have put it off thinking that it's not all that fun to have a blog if no one looks at it. However, my cute mission friends I know will check it out and hopefully might care a bit about how my life is going. I love reading everyones little comments about the things they love and the smells they hate or what they were doing ten, five, or one year ago. I also love the idea of kinda making it like a journal and having a place to just write and post anything I want. I was worried that I might bore everyone with my ranting and raveing but then I realized......of course I will, and that's ok!!! Most people may not find my pictures and stories of everyday life as a wife and mother the most thrilling ever, and maybe a little boring but who better to share those "boring" stories with than my friends who are all pretty much in the same place as me in life.


Brimaca said...

No one's blogs bore me. I usually find I relate to them or I'm laughing my head off or both. I love the ranting and ravings. I love to read all of it. I also love when people leave comments so please keep them coming! :)

Noel Family said...

I'm pretty sure what your are saying here is that your family doesn't care about what is going on in your life. Just because I haven't called you in about a month doesn't mean....well you might have a point. I'm glad you started a blog. I'll try and keep ours updated too.

Marianne and Matt said...

I know you all care:) just not as much as my mission friends....just joshin. I hope you do keep your updated cause it would be fun to be bloggin buds.