Wednesday, December 19, 2007

My Wonderful Husband

I have wanted to fill this out for awhile cause I loved reading them on other blogs. I'm glad I finally have some time.

What is his name? Matthew David
How long have you been married? 2 1/2 years.
How long did you date? 4 years (although I was on my mission for 18 months of that time, but he did write)
How old is he? 28
Who eats more? We can both eat our fair share:)
Who said "I love you" first? he did, but I pretty much made him tell me, cause I NEW he loved me and was afraid to say, so...... one night while talking I said "Matt, how much do you like me?" needless to say that started the conversation that ended with LOVE!!
Who is taller? him
Who sings better? Most likely him but we have never really had a contest.
Who is smarter? We are smart in totally different areas. He's always telling me what a smart girl I am but let's face it I would have never graduated college without his help in Math!!
Whose temper is worse? Probably his but we are both pretty layed back. If Im upset I usually just cry.
Who does the laundry? That would be me
Who does the dishes? He used too before he started Law school and now I do it all.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does
Who pays the bills? He does
Who mows the lawn? He does
Who cooks dinner? Mostly me...but he can make a killer grilled cheese sandwich!!
Who drives when you are together? Matt 99.9% of the time.
Who is more stubborn? We are both stubborn about different things.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? The longer we are married the better we get at that.
Who proposed? He did and it was soooo cute.
Who has more friends? It's funny cause I have more from different events in life but he always makes friends way faster and easier than I do.
Who has more siblings? I have him beat by 1
Who wears the pants in the family? I DO!! No really it depends on what the issue is but mostly Matt just agrees with me:)

Monday, December 17, 2007

Traveling with twins

So for anyone who wants to know what it's like to travel with twins.....let me explain. First of all the night befor the flight our cute little Daniel who has always slept through the night, is now teething and lets just say we started our loooong day going on about three ours of interupted sleep. We were all so tired and Daniel was very grumpy. We were prepared with 50 pair of earplugs and we informed everyone sitting around us on the flight that we would be happy to give them a pair if our little munchkins have a hard time. Keep in mind our twins our 9 months old and they want to be everywhere but sitting on our laps. Our babies can't even make it through sacrament meeting just sitting on our laps so 6 hours on our laps in the air in crammed seating was not the most fun thing I've ever done. Before the plane even took off Daniel started crying and Matt looked at me with a very flushed face and said..... "I can't do this!!" I honestly thought he was going to get off the plane. We said a lot of prayers and with 6 hours in the air and two lay overs we finally made it to UTAH, YEAH!!! We are glad to be here but now we all have jet lag and we are dealing with getting our babies back on some sort of schedule (being off our time by two hours). Anyway it will be a Merry Christmas and them we will be back on the plane for another long stressful trip home.

Friday, December 7, 2007

It's Christmas Time

This is pretty much the extent of our Christmas decorating this year. We aren't getting a tree cause we are leaving for Utah this week for the Holidays. It's not much but Christmas isn't the same without some lights in your house!!!
It's funny...... now I have double the help throughout the day yet it's taking me twice as long to get everything done!!

This is my new favorite invention. Little mesh bag holders that you can stick any food you want into them (like fresh fruit) and the babies suck and chew on them but it strains everything so you don't have too worry about choking. So they get everything fresh without the stress!! (I should market for them)

This is Nathans new favorite thing to do (bite on his bottom lip) I keep telling him that his face is going to stick that way if he keeps it up:)!!!

Fried Green Tomatoes

I know this is a little late but....we went to Georgia for Thanksgiving cause Matt has a sister that lives there. While we were there we went to the Whistle Stop Cafe where the movie "Fried Green Tomatoes" was filmed. We actually ate some fried green tomatoes while there and they weren't too bad!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I know I am a little late but I wanted to fill this out because It's kinda fun to think about life from ten years ago until today.
Ten Years ago: I was in Highschool at Brighton High. I had met a boy at a boy scout camp that I worked at the summer before in Jackson Hole and we were dating long distance. I was also dating one of the boy scouts from the camp and he was from Ogden Utah. I wonder if they ever found out about each other??? :)
Five Years ago: I was serving my mission, and I think if my math is right (which it probably is not)....I was just leaving to Kansas for my full pros. I had been booted out of the Jail and right before Christmas!! I had to leave my Eternal companion Sister Lloyd and I was feeling sad to go but pretty peaceful about the whole situation which turned out just great.
One Year ago: Last December I was pregnant and not due until March.....however, I was measuring around 39 weeks and I felt HUGE!! I guess you could say I was huge. It was an anxious time in Matt and I's life cause we were always worried about the babies, but of course we were soooo excited and felt very blessed to have two boys on the way.
Today: it is a beautiful day in Florida!!! It feels like my favorite season.......fall. The day is kind of a blur but I know I changed a lot of diapers, cleaned up a lot of messy meals, played a lot of peek a boo, and took a nice a long walk with my three favorite boys!!!
Five Snacks I like: I love Peanut Butter (the natural kind cause the other stuff is too sweet). Chips with cheese, Triscuits with cheese, plain cheese, and finally CHEESE!!
Five things I would do with a million dollars: I have to agree with Melanie....first I would pay off Matt's school, then I would light our Ford Explorer on fire and buy a new Chrysler Town and Country Mini van. (We will be a mini van fam). Then I would pay off our rent here and buy a house (just a small one) Then I would get all of our food storage and 72 hour kits done, then I would get another computer so I could blog while Matt is at school with this computer. Then I would invest the rest and SAVE!!! I guess that's six things....I just got overly excited thinking about a million dollars.
Five places I would run away too: I really want to go on a cruise with Matt get all dressed up and dance all night!! ( I know pretty cheezy). I would love to go to Italy. I've always wanted to go on a camping trip on horseback way up in the mountains. Right now I I am looking forward to going home to Utah. Finally I am always up for running away to our family cabin up Ogden canyon.
Five favorite TV shows: I love "Biggest Looser"(except this season hasn't been my favorite). Matthew and I love the "Office." I have to say I am an "Oprah" fan. As trashy as it sounds I always get a good laugh with the "bachelor." I am also starting to watch "Friday night Lights" since Matt started school Friday nights just haven't been the same and I have resorted to the television:)
Five things I hate doing: I HATE cleaning bathroom floors and showers. I am not a fan of waking up early. I hate doing math and always have. I hate using the computer when it's slow and giving me issues. And I just don't love cleaning out cars!!
Biggest joy in my life at this moment: Watching my cute husband play with our baby boys and hearing them laugh and seeing how excited they get when Matt comes home.

Being a Blogger

So the blog thing is just not something family or friends of mine do so I have put it off thinking that it's not all that fun to have a blog if no one looks at it. However, my cute mission friends I know will check it out and hopefully might care a bit about how my life is going. I love reading everyones little comments about the things they love and the smells they hate or what they were doing ten, five, or one year ago. I also love the idea of kinda making it like a journal and having a place to just write and post anything I want. I was worried that I might bore everyone with my ranting and raveing but then I realized......of course I will, and that's ok!!! Most people may not find my pictures and stories of everyday life as a wife and mother the most thrilling ever, and maybe a little boring but who better to share those "boring" stories with than my friends who are all pretty much in the same place as me in life.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Playing at the beach

It's so nice when Matt can take some time off of his school work for fun. The boys love to spend time with him. We were able to spend some time at the beach and watch "the blue Angels" air show. It was a little cold and windy but we shouldn't complain cause I'm sure it was nothing like the weather in Utah right now.