Sunday, April 22, 2012

Making some big tough decisions.

 Matt and I attended a play "Who Shot Juanito Bandito?" It was hilarious to say the least. The play was full of all types of songs from rap to pop. The last song was called "It's never too late to change your situation," it made me feel like I was at a BackStreet Boys concert, and I LOVED it!! And believe me I never thought I would be writing the words BackStreet Boys and LOVE in the same sentence. During the whole song I was thinking...."please Matt DON'T be hearing the lyrics to this song, just listen to the beat like you usually do."  The song had a great message, something I do believe in, however it is easier for me to believe it for others than for myself.  I think sometimes I like to play it safe in life. 

We know what it is like as a family to struggle looking for a job.  Probably THE hardest time in my life and for the family was going through the ups and downs of the job search.  When Matt was finally offered a job it was such a blessing and came at the perfect time.  For the last year we have had a steady income, he has had a really nice office with views of the SLC courthouse, insurance, some fun holiday perks, and some nice co workers.  We have never taken this job for granted and we have always given thanks for the blessing it is to be able to support our family.  However, what many don't know is that this last year has been one of the HARDEST trials of our lives. Matthew has never felt like this job was right for him, and although I had sympathy for him it was still difficult for me to understand how he couldn't just love having this great job, or a job at this economy.  I prayed and prayed for him to feel differently.  I watched him work harder than he ever has in his life.  I have never seen someone on their knees so much or attending the temple so diligently, and I thought surely Heavenly Father would help him to realize how much he needed to stay at this job and just be grateful for it.  My prayers were always about helping Matthew, because of course it's him that needed the inspiration, not me!!

Well I was wrong.  And finally after months and months of worrying and stressing and not knowing from day to day which day would be Matt's last day of work, the answer finally came.  I was reassured that Matt would make the right choice.  That whatever he did, even if it meant quiting his job, it would be the right thing to do, because I knew that he was counseling with the Lord.  I had to humble myself and trust in him.  But it was not easy and I still wondered how he could quit his job in such a bad economy.  We have mouths to feed, kids starting school soon, bills to pay.  I didn't know how it would work, but the Spirit told me that it would. 

So Matthew told his boss that he was going to leave the firm.  They offered to change whatever they could to make it better for him, and somehow talked him into staying even though they knew he would be looking for another job in the meantime.  Time went on and he still just didn't feel good about being there.  And then a miracle happened.

When we started our job search right out of Law school it was our dream to be in Logan.  It just feels like home to us and it is good to be close to Matt's mom.  We thought for sure it was where we were suppose to raise our family.  We wanted to be a part of all of the Aggie sports with our children and we felt like we could make a good life for ourselves there.  We tried really hard to get a job in Logan and we felt discouraged not understanding why our righteous desires where not coming about.  There was one Law firm in particular that Matt really wanted to be a part of.  He had taken one of the partners out to lunch and was told that their firm didn't hire anyone without three or four years experience and even then the people they hired all went to the very best schools around. I guess that should have deterred us from trying again, but we both felt like we should give it another try.  So about a month ago Matt again asked one of the partners to lunch.  It went well and within a few weeks Matt was offered a job.  We are still in shock.

So here we go again.  Moving for the ninth time in seven years of marriage.  Starting a new job and trying to find a home in Logan.  It is all happening so fast.  Matt started his job last week, and again we are living apart until we can get the living situation all figured out....hopefully soon.

After Matt's first day of work I asked him how it went.  He said "Marianne I just feel like this is where I belong, and it feels so good."   So I learned my lesson.  I will never try to talk my husband out of something or into something when I know that he is capable of receiving answers to his own prayers.  I have been humbled by this experience and I have learned to put more faith in my husband.  He is so much happier which makes all of us happier.  We are moving back to the place that we really never wanted to leave.  Matt had to work at the firm he did this last year to gain the experience he needed to get the job he now has.  There really is a plan for our lives.  The Lord is in the detail of our lives and I will always try to remember that we will be blessed and we will prosper when we do what we are suppose to.  It is a promise, a promise that is sometimes hard to believe but has always been true.  The blessings do come but most often it is after the trial of our faith. 

"It's Never Too Late To Change Your Situation."  I believe it.  If something doesn't feel right, and life isn't quite what you think it should be.  Put your faith in the Lord and change your situation. 


No Big Dill said...

What a wonderful experience, Marianne. I'm happy for you guys that it has all worked out.

Even if you're still not coming back to Florida ;)

Wendy Noel said...

Very Nice!!

Miss Amanda said...

Thanks for sharing that experience. It is amazing how aware the Lord is of our needs, when we put our faith in trust in Him. Thank You! On that note...I am really excited that you are coming back to Logan, we need to get together.

Alayna said...

All I got out of this is that you LOVE the Backstreet Boys...

Just kidding! I am so happy for you guys! And you better believe I will come see you in Logan when I come visit again! I miss that place!

Amy Piller said...

I am so excited for you guys to be in Logan becasue I know how much you want to be there and I know your prayers are finally being answered, well they have been in process and now you are seeing the end result! Love you guys!

Amy Piller said...

I am so excited for you guys to be in Logan becasue I know how much you want to be there and I know your prayers are finally being answered, well they have been in process and now you are seeing the end result! Love you guys!

Shanie Ellison said...

Yea I am so happy for you guys and that it is all working out. Thank you for posting this it has helped me trust my husband more in his job search and if we are suppose to stay at his job then I know it is right and what the Lord's wants. Wasn't your favorite scripture on the mission in proverbs trust in the lord?? Good luck with the move and I love logan and the AGGIES!!!

Danielle said...

You couldn't have said it more perfectly. I felt the same way about moving. I knew we needed to change our situation, but the whole process was stressful and definitely a trial of my faith. It all worked out thouhg and I am SO happy it did! Congrats on the new job and I am so happy that you will be where you have always wanted to be! We still need to get together before you live far away!

Brimaca said...

Wow. Thanks so much for sharing.

Susie said...

What a trial of faith and trusting in the Lord. It's scary but you did it and will constantly be doing it. I'm so happy for Matt's new job and that you are moving back "home". (You're probably already home. I'm a little behind in your blog.) You write beautifully Marianne. Thanks for sharing!