Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Looong drawn out "goodbyes"

Every Tuesday and Thursday around 9:00am you will find me dropping off my boys at Preschool.  I will be standing outside the door as the other parents come and go.  Our goodbyes are always the longest ones, not because it's hard for them to say goodbye but because it is always a process and maybe even a little competition.

One will say  "mom I want to give you a hug and a kiss" so he does.  The other one says "I want to give you two hugs and two kisses."  Which is then followed by the other one saying "mom I want to give you five hugs and kisses."  And we will kiss and hug each other for quite sometime and most often in an obsessive compulsive manner. "mom your hair was in the way that time."  "mom that wasn't exactly on your cheek."  "mom I wanted a hug first then a kiss on your cheek, then a kiss on your lips, then a hug," repeat, repeat, repeat.  After all of the hugging and kissing is over my boys will then be the only preschoolers who HAVE to stand outside the door and wave goodbye, and wave until I am completely out of sight. 

You would think this was a stalling technique.  It's not.  They are genuinely shattered when you forget to wave or give kisses and hugs.  Matt has been known to turn around and comeback after leaving for work knowing that he forgot to wave to Daniel and knowing that Daniel is now home in tears because daddy forgot to look up at his window and wave goodbye.  It's the same thing every time Grandmas have to leave.  Even Grandma Lorz has come up with some very creative waves, hopping up and down, waving under one leg, and waving fanatically with both hands while jumping up in the air.

These goodbyes take a long time and can be a little hard if we are running late.  However, they will not last and soon they will be to cool to kiss me over and over again in front of their peers.  I know the day will come, it's probably not far away, so each and every kiss, hug and wave, for now I will cherish and try to hold onto, tuck them away and save them for that inevitable day when they say goodbye without even a look back in my direction.


Lindsey and Zach said...

So Sweet....Alyda does the exact same thing...there are times when it is so frustrating, but I love that she at least has the moment with us and it is a good time to remind her yet another time, how much we love her!

Brimaca said...

I never thought about that with twins. You will read this when they are twins and see your wisdom even more, I bet.

Susie said...

That is the sweetest and cutest thing ever! Your boys are full of sweetness and love! What a very precious post.