I have been thinking about how fast time goes by with a little baby. There is a lot about the twins that I wish I would have documented, but I am not going to lie....those first few months were pretty rough for me. In fact it isn't until having you that I actually REALLY understand why people have children....sad I know.
One thing I do know is just like with the twins babies don't stay babies for very long. The days can sometimes feel endless and yet the months fly by, and all too soon little chubby cheeked, slobbery mouth, toothless kisses turn into little mouths that can now talk back and have to (like Daniel) negotiate EVERYTHING.
So here I am thinking that I need to remember EVERY little thing that makes you who you are. These are the things that make me fall in love with you every single day...over and over again.
I love how you rarely ever cry....and never very hard or loud, except when we sneeze, and then it's hard to calm you down.
I am in love with your hands. You have never been the baby with the normal tight fists. Your fingers(even in ultra sounds) have been spread out, so dainty and lady like.
I love your little grunts.
You have the cutest sleeping position. Head arched all the way back and to the side with your hands together and arms up over your face.
I love how curly your hair is when it is wet, and the little fluff that sticks straight up on the top of your head and tickles my neck when I hold you.
I love how you smile at others and then immediately look away like you are shy.
your beautiful long eyelashes.
How you cannot get enough of your hands. Fingers, fists, all of them all of the time in your little mouth.
You have beautiful eyes and loooong feet.
You love playing patty cake with daddy, even from the tiniest age you have loved it, especially when he does it SUPER fast.
I love your voice and when you use it over and over again smiling every time I acknowledge you talking to me.
I love the little rolls on your legs.
It is a dream come true that you have never not once kept me up in the middle of the night after a feeding.
I am thankful for the issues we have had with nursing. It has not come that easy for either of us. We have had to learn to be patient with each other and we have stuck it out even when I think we both wanted to give up.
you are so smiley in the morning and you are starting to get ticklish.
You let me play dress up with you and you are very patient as we try on all kinds of clothes, hairstyles, and even toe nail polish..... through it all you even seem somewhat amused when I show you how cute you look in the mirror.
You do the cutest thing every time we hand you your pacifier while your laying in your bed. You quickly grab mine or daddy's hand REALLY tight, like you just want to hold on to us forever.....and we feel the same way.
You are only three months old, but I don't know how I ever lived without you. Daddy already talks about how spoiled you will be because he just knows he will not be able to put you in time out and he will want to buy you everything you want. We love you Marie, you are darling, sweet, and a beautiful daughter of God. I feel a great responsibility being your mother, but I am so thankful for the opportunity. I love you.
I'm so happy for you that you were sent such a sweet one. She is darling. :)
She is super cute. I LOVE her big eyes! Wow! You are blessed with a real angel. She is very special.
She is getting so big and she is beautiful. She has so much hair now! We need to get together soon so I can see her in real life!
So Sweet.
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