Monday, November 17, 2008

Parties and Planes

There are a few events from October that I wanted to post before I move on to November(I know November is half over). I have been a little busy.

We had a lot of fun in October going to some fun Halloween parties. At this party we had a pumpkin carving contest and a cupcake decorating contest....(which was probably the highlight of Nathan's little life). Daniel wasn't as into decorating his cupcake as Nathan. He is like me.....more interested in the cake than the frosting.
After we carved the pumpkins the kids all added their own touch with markers.

Nathan LOVING his cupcake, which was COVERED with m&m's.

Nathan's cute friend Pollyanna, she helped with his fabulous creation.
These next pictures are out of order. We were able to watch an air show at the millitary base in Jacksonville. You can tell that the boys had a very fun and long day because they zonked out right when we got in the car to go home.
Two tired little boys!!
Watching the planes with Daddy.

At the very end of the air show we were walking back to the car and a jet came flying right over our heads. It was so close and soooo loud. We all jumped but poor little Daniel really got scared and started to cry. When we got home we could hear the planes still flying at the millitary base....which isn't even close to where we live, but just shows how loud they were. Everytime we heard a plane Daniel would drop whatever he was doing and run to Matt or I with the most frightened face. It was so sad, but I guess we found it funny, so for the rest of the day Matt was making jet noises just to scare the poor little guy.
This show took place weeks ago, but just the other day Daniel heard a loud mail truck outside and again came running to me scared to death. He must be suffering from some post traumatic stress disorder. And we are still finding humor from it all. I know, we are a little mean but you would understand if you could see how cute Daniel's little scared face is! I would try to get a picture but that would require more trauma for Daniel......I think he has had enough.


jessi said...

I am glad your kids got a little candy/sugar from Halloween! Hunter use to be scared to death of the Garbage truck guy, because it is so loud. So when we would hear it, we would go to the window and watch... now it is his favorite and he waits by the window on Tuesdays.

Brimaca said...

Poor buddy. In two years or something they'll probably be his favorite thing in the world. Cute pics!

Alayna said...

I understand finding humor in children's fear. It is kind of comical, yet you just gotta hug them and let them know that all is well. Cute pics! Your kids are growin' like weeds!

Amy Piller said...

Your kids are so cute. It sounds like you are really finding some fun people in your new area. I am excited for you! How was your birthday?

Megane said...

What cute pictures. Sounds like a fun month. I am with you about kids being scared and finding humor in it. Sarah is scared of Family Fued when it buzzes when they don't get an answer. She starts crying everytime it comes on, but we laugh. The kids used to tease her and try and make the buzz noise. So needless to say there is no family fued showings in our house anymore!

Crystal said...

Cute pictures! Looks like you've been having a lot of fun!

dave&abby johnson family said...

Wow, looks like so much fun! WHat darling boys you have!

Nicole said...

Hey! I found your blog and thought that story about the planes was hilarious! Kids are so funny.