Tuesday, November 11, 2008

BEST dad award!!

So this is REALLY going to GROSS
you out(especially Alayna and Danielle....sorry). So,we have all been dealing with the wonderful stomach flu. Poor Matt has had to deal with it the most being that Nathan is a daddy's boy and Nathan had it the worst.

After a loooong night of Nathan throwing up we decided to take him to the doctor the next day. While we were there Matt was holding Nathan and Nathan had his WORST episode yet....which is evident by Matt's purple shirt.

The doctor quickly asked me what I had fed him that was
so purple......(yogurt with blueberries)
So this is what Matt got to smell and wear all the way home. He amazed me that he kept a sense of humor through the whole thing. Except at one time he did say... "So, you just HAD to feed him blueberry's!" When we got home Matt asked me to take his picture. I would NOT have expected him to pose for a picture, I really thought he would jump in the shower as fast as possible. I guess he wants to remember ALL of the daddy moments that come along.

So, sorry this was a gross post but really just imagine it was purple punch!


Amy Piller said...

Love the pictures and that he made you take pictures of it! So how was your birthday?

Alayna said...

I love that Matt is feeling the blogging spirit. And don't worry, as long as the kid is not around me he can puke all he wants. Seriously, who ever heard of purple puke?? CLASSIC!

I bet Matt won't be wearing that shirt again...

tiare said...

oh my heck! what a good sport. now i know not to feed my kids blueberry yogurt!! :)

Crystal said...

Man that would suck! What a good sport though and to even want pictures taken. It's nice to have so we can remember these kind of moments. :)

Emily said...

Good man you have. The other day Terra, our dog threw up.. it looked like wet dog food, no big deal right? Then Ryan started dry heaving... by the time I got to the mess, Terra ate it. I was grateful right because no one helps me with those messes, if they did it would be twice as big. Then 3 hours later she threw up again... taylor stepped in it, and this time... well lets just say no resemblance to dog food. I almost peed my pants at Ryan's reaction! I was laughing so hard!

Tasha said...

Poor Matt!- But, hats off to him. What a trooper! He is one great Dad. Nathan is a lucky boy! I hope you are all feeling well.
My sister is FL is getting married and BAPTIZED! We are trying to go, so please send me a message letting me know where you live. It would be so great to see you guys!

Wendy Noel said...

Good for Matt! Have I ever told you about the time Hayden was very sick with the stomach flu? He would be fine and then all of a sudden make weird noise and out it came. Steve was holding him when the noise started and Steve about threw him acroos the room so that Hayden wouldn't throw up on him. Nice one. Yea for Matt!!

Jennifer Lyn said...

Way to go Matt! That is the best dad award. The flu is no fun. It just went through us too :( Good luck!

Brooke said...

That's hilarious!!! I'm sure he'll look back at those pics with fondness. :) I can smell the nasty blueberry puke from here. :)

Noel Family said...
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Noel Family said...

I'm so sorry! Kids with the flu is awful! Just remember the BRAT diet, and give them that until they're feeling better, and only that, no dairy :) That sucks, how awful! I can't believe Matt posed(?) for a picture!

Brimaca said...

We've had that happen many times! Caleb says that kids strip you of all your dignity.

Lindsey and Zach said...

oooooo, yuck.....

Chambers said...

Marianne, those are awesome pictures!! I love how Nathan is looking at him. Oh parenthood, right?

Amy Piller said...

I tagged you!

dave&abby johnson family said...

Oh my that is hilarious! Poor little guy and your poor hubby too! WHat a great daddy he is!

Tiffany Steele said...

These are awesome pictures!!! So I found your blog on your Facebook page....You should come check ours out...dtbsteele.blogspot.com