Saturday, August 24, 2013

Kindergarten Graduation

I fought back the tears during the whole Kindergarten graduation program.  Not that it was suppose to be that emotional or anything, but I just can't hold back the tears as I think about how blessed I am to have these sweet boys in my life.  We for sure have had our share of ups and downs this last school year. Learning how to get my boys out the door on time without yelling and tears is still a work in progress.  I get frustrated with how many times I have to ask them to go find their shoes or get their back packs on, or hurry and brush your teeth.  It didn't matter that school was in the afternoon, it still seemed like soooo much work just getting them out the door each day and then getting their homework done each afternoon.  Through it all, it has been a great learning experience, and I am so proud of who these boys have become and all that they have learned.  It really amazes me!!  They had a new teacher named Mrs. Martinez,  she was so sweet and did a great job teaching them so much.  I think they really enjoyed school and I was so thankful that Mrs. Martinez really enjoyed and loved them.  There is a little sadness in my heart that their Kindergarten year is over and now they are going to be going to school all day, but mostly I am just full of gratitude that I get to be the mother of these wonderful little boys, and I get to watch them grow and learn every single day.

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