Saturday, August 24, 2013

Baby Animal Days

 Every year in Logan they have Baby Animal Days at the American West Heritage Center.  We have never gone because it is quite pricey.  This year we decided to go, and I am so glad that we did.  We picked a rainy day, which worried me at first but it turned out to be the best idea.  The lines were not as long and the kids were able to see and hold and do a lot more.  I did not know before we went that the kids actually get to hold the baby animals.  They may have been a little hesitant at first but once they were actually holding the animals they LOVED it!  We also were able to arrive about five minutes after a mother Sheep had given birth to a tiny little lamb.  It was so sweet to be there for those first few moments of that little lambs life.  Marie went on the little train with Matt and he said that she was really scared and he worried she was going to freak out and want to get off, but she ended up doing ok and probably even liking it a little.  We also go to see the baby cub bears that they brought to Logan from Wyoming.  We had to wait in a line to see those but it was really neat to be so close to those cute cub.   I hope we can make Baby Animal Days a tradition, it was really a neat experience for us all.

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