Saturday, March 24, 2012

a little reminder.

Daniel dropped his glass football bank on the tile floor. Pieces of glass all over, money all over, and a look of shock on his little face. First he wants to know if we can go buy a new one exactly the same, then he wants to know if maybe we could find the same one in plastic form. While cleaning up the mess I witnessed him go through all the emotions we go through when something horrible happens. Sadness, denial, anger, and then blame. We ended the conversation with him saying "mom this is why we shouldn't have a house like this!" I asked him like what? He said we need a soft house, or a bouncy type house. He was very serious about this. I really think he was upset that we would ever even consider living in a home that had a tile floor. I felt bad for him he really was devastated.

I started thinking about life and drawing some comparisons. I couldn't help but look at his little sad tear stained face and think to myself that I wish he could see how this is just not a big deal. We can easily buy him a new little bank, even a better one, that soon he won't even care or be missing his football bank. I can't make him realize these things it is just part of life, it's part of growing and learning.

I thought about myself and some of the trials that I have been through and some I continue to face. How I sometimes go through all of the emotions of sadness and anger and sometimes even blame. How I can't always see the big picture and how I sometimes feel like some trials will never end and how unfair it is to see some of the most horrible things that people have to go through, that often don't seem fair or right.

Today while cleaning up the little broken bank I thought about my Heavenly Father. He sees the whole picture and he probably at times wishes he could just take some of my trials away or help me see that they really are just but a small moment in the Eternal perspective of things. To me they are huge, they are hard, and can even seem unbearable, but maybe that is because In the Eternal Perspective I am just a child. Still learning, and still relying on my faith and my Father in Heaven to get through everything that life throws my way. My hope is that one day I can look at my life and feel like I passed the tests, I made it through everything I was asked to go through, everything that seemed to hard to bear at the time. I don't think our Father in Heaven ever thinks we are immature or self absorbed when we face hardships that cause us to question, blame or feel angry. I think he looks at us with love and understanding, the same way I looked at Daniel. Knowing that someday it would all make sense, it would all be made right, and the heartaches we experienced brought us closer to Him and turned us into exactly what He wants us to become.


Tasha said...

What a great reminder...thanks!

Susie said...

Beautifully shared and stated.

Amy Piller said...

Love this and so needed to read this at this very moment!!!

Brimaca said...

That was beautiful.