Tuesday, December 8, 2009

An almost PERFECT Thanksgiving

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year, spent with great family and delicious food. We also celebrated the November birthdays which includes my brother Eddie, myself, and my sister Natalie. So we had three cakes to eat along with all the pies my mom made. We had fun playing football outside while the little boys played on the teeter totter. I know it looks like a PERFECT day but something very important was missing........my cute husband Matthew, who was still in Florida slaving away and studying for finals. We missed him, we are proud of him, and you better believe he will be with me for sure next time Thanksgiving rolls around!!
I know I messed this picture up!! It's suppose to show all three of us with our burning birthday candles.
Thanksgiving is not Thanksgiving without balloon turkeys. Thanks mom

My cute nieces(kendra and Sydney) came the night before Thanksgiving to help make Birthday cakes and set the table for the big feast. They are so adorable and my boys had so much fun with them. They also put a LOT of time and thought into the place settings for the table. It was so cute to see them working together to make sure everyone was sitting in the exact right spot. I just love these girls.


1 comment:

Susie said...

I loved seeing all your Thanksgiving photos. That's a long dinner table! That's a big family! I could feel all the love and hear all the busy chatter. I loved the balloon turkeys. What a fun Thanksgiving craft idea. Your mom is so cute. So are your talented nieces. Too bad Matt had to miss out.