Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas came mistake.

"Goodnight, we love you....remember to stay in your beds!" Those were suppose to be the last words we said for the day to our two little twinkies.

An hour later I crack open the door to check on them, fully expecting to see two little angels zonked out in their beds. Instead I don't see my boys at all. I do see the closet light on and the closet door open, with two little boys huddled together in the closet actually whispering(for some reason they don't know how to whisper at church) tearing into the shopping bags that were high on the closet shelf and ripping open their Christmas presents. I was pretty upset and they both went crawling back to bed in tears.

When I brought the bag of open toys out to show my parents and Matthew....they had a good laugh, I guess it's kind of funny....or maybe it will be after Christmas is over this year.


No Big Dill said...

It will be funny to you one day....

I love mr potato head!

jessi said...

That's way funny!!! But very frustrating!

Jennifer Lyn said...

Oh I am so sorry. I love the anticipation. It will be a fun story to tell them when they are older. :)

Brimaca said...

Already!!! Wow it begins young! :)

Mrs. JM said...

stinkers ....

Wendy Noel said...

Thats awesome!!

Susie said...

How did they reach those bags up so high in the closet? Funny boys!

Amy Piller said...

They so remind me of you, you totally would have done that!!!

Noel Family said...

Oh my gosh! I'm laughing so hard right now! That is awesome! But don't worry I would've reacted the same way. It's always funnier when it happens to somebody else :)

Noel Family said...

Oh my gosh! I'm laughing so hard right now! That is awesome! But don't worry I would've reacted the same way. It's always funnier when it happens to somebody else :)

Tasha said...

That is definitely a story to laugh about for years to come.

Since they are only two, you can wrap them up and the boys will still be super excited come Christmas morning!