Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Just wondering?

What do you do with little boys when you live in Utah? The winters are so long. Don't get me wrong. I love Utah and can't wait to come back, but I have to admit I am having some anxiety. My boys live outside. It's all we do. Walks, swimming, parks, bikes, sprinklers, Zoo. I mean really, I don't think I could handle being inside all day with both of them, we would all go crazy. I love playing in the snow, but you can't do that all day. So really I am asking, because we will be in Utah for well over a month during the holidays. What are we going to do?


Mrs. JM said...

you're going to go crazy!!! lol

seriously though.

winters are freaking tough! last year i spent a lot of time sitting in the back of our car with the hatch open bundled in a blanket while the kids rode their bikes. they were stir crazy and i couldn't take it anymore. thank goodness for me now that they're finally in school. at least most of the time anyway.

good luck! when are you coming back?

No Big Dill said...

Oh, you just bundle them up and let them play in the snow! They will LOVE IT! I bet you a million dollars.

Wendy Noel said...

Its not THAT bad!! Come on!! A lot of us have done it and survived. you biuld tents, do art projects, go to the treehouse, mall and let them run around. There are also things like McDonalds playground,teach them to sort laundry, there is plenty to do. We can't wait to have you here to do them with you!! love ya!! Oh and don't forget the snow, walks on a bright sunny day after its been snowing are really fun, Especially with hot chocolate after!

Shanie Ellison said...

Yea really I am not looking forward to the winter with a newborn and a 2 year old. I am going to go crazy. Maybe we should move to Florida for the winter???

Brimaca said...

Lots of time playing with cousins!

chellrie said...

Sounds like you'll need a 50 lb bag of flour to make it through your holidays. :)
Are you going to Utah to visit family? Won't there be cousins to play with? Cousins are very entertaining.

Tasha said...

Winters are really tough for me as well. Bundling is a process in and of itself!
We just try to plan something fun everyday. Tanner really loves to help me shovel snow.
P.S. My pants are Silvers, they were clearanced at Nordstoms (not sure why though!) about a year ago.

Noel Family said...

I've been wondering the same thing! hahaha I hate Utah Winters! But you do spend a lot of time in doors, but then your kids get sick from being in doors with other kids! Ahhhh! :)But we're sure excited to have you guys here :) You guys need to live close to us and then we can have regular play dates.

Emily said...

Yes, winters are difficult, but you discover the beauty of play-dough, blocks, legos, and unfortunately more video games are played. School is a life saver, but I would encourage you to invest in warm clothes. Kate would be out side all day if I let her! Kids survive and I have fond memories of being a child. I loved winter and my kids do too.

tiare said...

oh wow! good luck!!! love the pictures you took of the boys. they are so handsome!

Melanie Chambers said...

What a dream to live in the warm climate although it is so far from family. I am just anticipating the winter as well and eeks I am getting worried cuz I will now have a newborn. When are you guys done there?

Danielle said...

Well, seeing as how your BFF Danielle lives in Utah, I'd say you and your boys will have plenty to do when you move her! :) HAHA. Especially since there is homes for you to live in right in her neighborhood. Imagine the possiblities of fun that four little boys could have!