Friday, September 18, 2009

Catching up

Ever since we switched the boys out of their cribs into beds, my life has not been the same. I won't get into details because I don't want to revisit the trauma(for me, not them). Consequently I have let things slide in my life, blogging being one of those things. But because Blogging is our only form of a family journal/scrapbook, I realize I must blog on.....even if I need to catch up on a lot at once.
Sometimes I will go to EXTREMES so I can cook dinner without two little boys riding tricycles through the kitchen, or pulling on my legs wanting to help do EVERYTHING I'm doing, which isn't possible with 2 two year old boys. So on this day they played with flour on the porch. I showed them how to gently transfer flour from one pan to another using measuring cups. I then asked them to try to keep the flour in the pans. I hadn't even walked all the way inside before I heard a lot of giggles and turned around to a flour fight and a flour covered porch. I guess I should have known.
This is Nathan whining for more flour. It's NEVER enough.

It's pretty exciting when you start getting invited to Birthday parties. Our boys wore their party hats ALL day, after a fun Pooh pool party!
Who needs your hands when you can paint with your WHOLE body!! Is it normal to look like this during a simple painting project? Daniel is my little packer, stacker, cleaner, organizer. You wouldn't believe everything he can pack on his tricycle. We finally bought a potty and some "cars" underwear as an incentive. I think Daniel could be potty trained by now, but my heart was just not into the whole process. And Nathan is NOT AT ALL ready. So I have decided to wait until they turn 3.

This is what potty training looked like at our house. Yep, pretty much a joke!!My boys looking as cute as EVER on our way to a wedding reception. The highlight of the night was laughing at our boys AWESOME dance moves all night. I wish I would have had a camera!


jessi said...

So cute!!!YOur family is so fun! I need to call you! I haven't talked to you forever. I will try to this week!

Amberdawn said...

They must have had so much fun with that flour and I bet it was so fun for you to clean up! :) I hear you on the whole potty training business. Kenneth wants to do it, but no thanks! It's too much work!

Mrs. JM said...

you're such a good mom. patience up the wazooo ... flour, paint?! you're crazy. they'll love you for it one day though. that's for sure. and i totally sympathize with the big boy bed thing. it's the worst when they realize they're no longer confined. no more letting them sit in their crib and play while you finish sleeping in the mornings!

Brimaca said...

I may not have twins but man sometimes I feel like we live the same life. The flour - been there done that. The paint - been there done that. Packing things into tight spaces - yup Lib does that. Good idea to wait until three for potty training. M was almost three and it took two weeks. Still sucked but at least it was quick.

Nick said...

I'm very impressed with Daniel's packing skills. Tell Matt that I was secretly rooting for USU.

Noel Family said...

Man, I can't imagine cleaning up that flour mess! Actually, I probably would've let the wind just blow it away :)

Susie said...

Oh Marianne, bless your heart. The flour mess ..... yikes, that's a long and painful cleanup. You're an awesome mom. Love your energy and attitude.

Amy Piller said...

You are such a fun mom! I talked to your mom yesterday, I love that women. Miss you much and can't wait tell you are back here!!!

Danielle said...

Oh my gosh you are such a patient mom!
P.S. Drew is already asking to go potty. Jealous? Yup he's only 18 months old on tuesday! Haha. JUst kidding...he's just helping make up for the DRAMA of potty training Parker. Good luck with it!

Melanie Chambers said...

Chloe was like that with her birthday party had too. And I love the flour idea. I am sure Chloe will get just as messy playing by herself. To be 2, eh?

chellrie said...

Your boys are too cute!