Friday, May 15, 2009

Are you serious?

Matt informed me the other day that he would love to take the babies to the ward father son camp out. I said, "ya, that will be really fun next year." He then informed me that he was taking the boys this year!! So here I am alone away from my babies for a full night, for the first time EVER. Not quite sure how I feel about it. Of course thankful that my boys have a dad who looks forward to taking his boys camping, but also wondering how it will be trying to camp with two two year old toddlers, and no help. I would be lying if I didn't say that I am actually having a hard time with being away from my boys.

So, either Matt is the most incredible dad ever, or he is just crazy. Probably a LOT of both!!


Miss Amanda said...

What a sweet better do something fun on your night off. Also, keep us posted to see if he will be taking the boys next year. He may reconsider without you around. :)

tiare said...

oh my goodness! he is VERY brave to attempt that.....can't wait for the follow-up post about how it went!
hopefully you were able to relax....or at least do the laundry uninterrupted!

jessi said...

WOW! What a trooper! Sometimes it is nice to have time all alone. I miss you! I had so much fun visiting you. Janae and I were talking that it would be way fun to come visit you maybe in August? (She wants to do something fun before her school starts again) Are you coming here, or are you staying for the summer?

Noel Family said...

Hurray, go get a chick-flick and live it up before it's over! It's going to go by way too fast! Man, Matt is one brave dad!

Brooke said...

I better not tell Elliott--he'd be so jealous! I hope you had a fun night by yourself and that Matt enjoyed himself too!

Tasha said...

You have gotta post about how the camp went! i am excited to hear about this one!
I hope you survived. I hate when Kenny has to travel, but I have never been left home alone.

Astorga Crew said...

Go, Matt! Can't wait to hear about the adventure.

Amberdawn said...

That is awesome!!!!! Don't miss them too much, enjoy your time! I always miss my boys sooo much when we are apart so I know how you feel!

Brimaca said...

Enjoy it!!!!

Amy Piller said...

You totally deserve a night off but I can see feeling weird with out your cute boys! Way to go Matt, let us know how it all goes!

Lindsey and Zach said...

Well I hope you found something fun to do cause after being with kids everyday all day, I know for me life means nothing without them around!!!

Miss Amanda said...

Marianne...I wish I could help both you and Matt. I have not heard of any part time jobs around right now...however, you can always look at the USU homepage under Job Opportunities to see what is there...or under student employment. With the Economy in distress, USU has not really been hiring, but I know you will be well taken care of wherever you end up. Let me know if I can do anything else for you! Love ya too!!! Amanda

Nick and Stacey said...

That is too funny...good for Matt! I am impressed can't wait to hear how it really went!