Wednesday, May 27, 2009


What do you do when it rains all day everyday for over a week? Either you stay dry inside or you get REALLY wet. We decided it was more fun to be wet. This week has been full of jackets, umbrellas, rain in our faces, jumping in puddles, soggy shoes, playing with worms, listening to thunder, hiding from lightning, and a TON of laundry. We are also finding ourselves worrying about alligators popping up on our front lawn.....yes real alligators. It happens all the time here in Florida with all the ponds and water around here, especially after a lot of rain!!

Dear Rain, We have enjoyed your stay but please go away. We are ready to go back to the beach!!!


tiare said...

SOOOO much fun! you really are a good mother. i would probably keep them inside to avoid doing all of that laundry you spoke of.
p.s. you have to little lookers! they are so very handsome in their first ties!!!!
(and motherhood really suits're absolutely glowing!)

jessi said...

How fun!! Hopefully the alligators stay away and rain goes away!

No Big Dill said...

What a good mom you are! I let my kids go out to play in the rain and they filled their rain boots with mud. So now I've punished us both by making them stay inside during the rain.

Amberdawn said...

There is nothing more fun than a coulple of boys, a couple of umbrellas and some good puddles! We don't do the whole worm thing at our house! ick!

I hope the alligators don't get you! What do you do if one gets in your yard? Just call animal control? Crazy!!!

We had rain for something like 17 out of 18 days, it really gets old after awhile!

Noel Family said...

I think this is the first time I've seen the boys wearing different outfits! :)

Emily said...

So fun. Rain is the best. I think kids should grow up enjoying the world around them by touching and feeling. These memories will last them forever, and laundry.. we have to do it anyway right?

Danielle said...

But it looks so fun!!!

Susie said...

I loved, loved, loved all the cute rain pictures and St. Augustine too. We actually did yard work on Memorial Day -- not fun. Had to mow the tall grass from all the rain.