Sunday, March 15, 2009

Swimming suits and smoothies

Everyday the boys want to wear their swimming suits even when we have NO plans for swimming. It's a good thing they were wearing them on this particular day since they needed to be hosed off after their smoothies. What could be better than eating smoothie right off of your own belly. I guess they didn't want any to go to waste.

YAY!!! For smoothies.


Brimaca said...

cuties. cuties.

Miss Amanda said...

I think your boys can start a new trend by eating smoothies on your tummy! Super cute!!!

Amy Piller said...

are you guys coming here at all for the summer?

jessi said...

so cute! i can't wait to come!!!

Tasha said...

Tanner also wants to wear his swimming suit everyday! The only problem is that it is only 60 on a hot day!!
Happy Birthday to your cuties!

Jennifer Lyn said...

So cute! I'm jealous it is that warm already.

dave&abby johnson family said...

Oh I lOVE smoothies! Your boys are too cute!

Nick and Stacey said...

They are so darn cute! Great Smoothies, you can't waste a single drop!