Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Ava's Blessing Day

I woke up the morning of Ava's blessing day already in tears. So full of the Spirit. Just thinking about it makes me tear up.  I felt so blessed to have such a sweet little baby girl who I knew was going to receive such a special baby blessing from her Father in Heaven through her wonderful father here on earth.  The day was perfect. I was so glad that most of my family was there and I was thankful that Matthew and I both had the opportunity to bear our testimony.  Because school had recently started for my boys I bore my testimony about some tender feelings I had been having recently.  I told how I struggled with the fact that I could not protect my kids from all that they were going to face at school. loneliness, bullying, hearing bad things, seeing sad things, all the things that I know my children will have to face but it hurts me inside to think of them lonely, or sad.  I explained how I was gaining a testimony recently about how maybe I could not protect them from the outside world but I could do my part in the home to make sure they felt loved and safe, and most importantly that they were gaining their own testimony of Jesus Christ so that when times got hard they could know where to turn.

I sometimes feel overwhelmed as a mother about all that I could or should be doing for my children. I question myself and wonder if I could be doing more. I feel exhausted at times and wonder if I am really cut out to be a mother to four little kids.  One thing I have learned is that the older I get the more I try to simplify my life.  I try to cut out the unnecessary as far as stuff, time commitments, and activities for my kids.  I am trying really hard this year to focus on the basics and have faith that the Lord will help out where I fall short.  So this year I will do better to read scriptures with my kids, hold Family Home Evening, and say family prayers.  I know we will not be perfect but I am glad to have a goal to always be doing better in these areas and not worry so much about everything else. I believe the blessings will come, and after watching my Ava blessed  I believe the blessings have already come in ways I never could have imagined.

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