Matthew got me a juicer for Christmas. I was totally surprised. I never told him I wanted one but I have always been curious. Recently my brother-in-law has lost a ton of weight and gained a ton of energy....just juicing. I will never be a fanatic about anything and I believe moderation in all things, but I wanted to give this juice thing a try. Especially because for about two months I have been fighting a sinus infection, which I seem to get EVERY year. I really did not want to go on any medication so I decided I would make myself some healthy juice every morning and take my probiotics(aka magic pill.) I really think it is working. I actually crave these drinks and I do feel like I have more energy.
Now, I am well aware that something like a vitamix would allow me to also get fiber in my green drink. However I have had a green drink using a vitamix and I do not enjoy drinking the fiber-y foam. I do think the vitamix is great for other purposes though and would LOVE to have one of those as well(but the are EXPENSIVE.) I have taken the pulp from juicing Kale and used it in smoothies that we all enjoy....even little Marie! I have also used carrot pulp to make muffins and bread, so it is not a complete waste. Although I have wondered about the spike in your blood sugar that juice can cause. Also it is not cheap to buy so much produce. I realize it is maybe better to just eat the produce, but there is just no way I am going to eat enough produce to get the same amount of nutrients from least that is what I am thinking. I guess I am just curious if anyone knows more about this subject than me.......if so, teach me!
So, I have lots of friends who juice and love it. I was skeptical that juice can give you energy and not a sugar spike. But, we do a produce co-op here (LOVE it...I spend more $ on produce now than at the store for other items esp. since I coupon. We save 50-60% on produce and get a TON every week) and sometimes the produce would go bad if we didn't eat it fast enough (didn't happen a lot, but it did happen). Anyways, so I wanted to try juicing the produce. I was amazed with the 1st one I made. I actually felt good and it sustained me through 2 classes. I think I am hooked. I don't think I will do it all the time, but at least 5xs a week for sure. I have been happy with all the combos that I have tried so far. You should look into a produce co-op or start's not hard to do, you just need people who would do it. How's your juicing?
do green smoothies! they are the best - and spinach is soooooo cheap.
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