Thursday, December 30, 2010

They can't ruin our Christmas!

We were visiting from Florida during our boys first Christmas. Heading back we of course had our suitcases packed FULL of all our stuff and Christmas presents. These things meant a LOT to us being as we were poor law students. Our luggage was stolen, I mean EVERYTHING, all the boys toys, clothes, books, and our camera containing pictures of their first Christmas. I cried and felt sorry for myself for a few days, and even now I miss some of those worldly items that really just can't be replaced.

So, this year it is the night before Christmas Eve. I am more excited about this Christmas then I have been in a long time. I have taken the time to ponder the real meaning of Christmas and I can't help but smile every time I think about my sweet boys opening their present. I tell Matthew to get the gifts out of the back of the car so I can spend the evening wrapping presents. Matthew comes back a little devastated to tell me that EVERYTHING has been stolen. Our main present for for our boys...which wasn't cheap, and all my presents from Matthew. I am not concerned about my gifts but I am devastated that the boys won't be getting what they expected they would get. I call my mom in tears. Within minutes my dad finds the exact same toys on the Internet and is off to Toys R Us at 11:00pm to replace our more. We were asked not to repay him.

I know Christmas means more than the gifts we give or get. I know it's a whole lot more important that just stuff. However, watching my children on Christmas morning and the light and excitement they had, is for me the magic of the Holiday. The thieves out there did not ruin our Christmas for the second time. What they did is remind me how thankful I am to have a loving, caring Father who went out of his way to make sure our Christmas was wonderful. What that did is remind me even more importantly of my loving Heavenly Father who has blessed us and will continue to bless us through every detail of our lives, even enough to send us his own Son.

As hard as it is to say, I am thankful that I don't have complete control of my life, a lot of things would happen quite differently if I had it my way, but I don't. I am learning to see that His way really is the better way.

"He puzzled and puzzled till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before! Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas.....perhaps....means a little bit more!"

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It's official!!

I was excited when Matthew graduated Law school, I was relieved when he passed the Bar, and during the ceremony where he was officially sworn in I was emotional. Maybe because I knew a little about the sacrifice, stress, work, and prayers that went into this whole process. It was a wonderful feeling to watch my husband take those oaths making him a real life attorney!!

This has not been an easy three years, especially the last year. I don't know if I have ever had to put more faith and trust into my Heavenly Father. As proud as I am of Matthew it is a challenge to stay positive in a NOT so positive economy. My poor husband wakes up at 4 am EVERY morning to deliver his five paper routes. He then spends his evenings working at a retirement center where he is hit on by 80 year old women. All of this so he can keep his days free to look, apply and interview for jobs. It's a loooong and often discouraging process.

Through it all I am reminded more than ever that our Savior loves our little family and has blessed us enormously. I am thankful for our trials and struggles and believe that they can shape us into better people.

I am now officially caught up on my blog posts and am super excited to start my Christmas blogging, I have learned more this Christmas and it has probably meant more to me than any other Christmas before. Can't wait to start the celebrations!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

More than just a farm

When I was a teenager my friends and I would go to Wheeler Farm every weekend to go country dancing. Now my friends are still meeting at Wheeler farm, but for a whole new reason. We bring our kids let them run around, we see the animals and we eat a picnic lunch. A lot different then our days of meeting boys and line dancing, but it is still very much the same as far as being with the best girlfriends EVER!!

Barnum and Baily's FUNUNDRUM!!

Every year my parents take all the grand kids and some of the adults to the Circus. This is the first year the boys were able to go. I think they were quite amazed by the whole ordeal. It really is a fun show to watch, and a fun tradition I'm sure they will always look forward too.

I guess they do a FEW things the same.


We ENJOYED our peaches this fall. Fresh peaches, peach smoothies, peach milkshakes, and of course a family favorite....made from scratch peach cream pie!!


So proud of these little guys.

Over the summer(I know I am way behind on posting) Matthew and I took the boys on a hike to the Wind caves where Matt and I were engaged. It is not an easy hike, especially for little three year old boys. We told them before the hike that we were not going to carry them and a lot of the time the path was too narrow to even h0ld hands. They understood, but it was still hard for them, and we had to take a lot of breaks. There were some bruised up and scraped up knees when it was all over, but I think they were proud to have accomplished the hike all on their own. It was great day to enjoy the beautiful Utah mountains which we have really missed these last three years.