Wednesday, August 12, 2009


From the time they could roll over my boys were fighting over things. Everyday we have little spats over toys, or who gets MOST of my lap during story time. There is always a tantrum over who's turn it is to ride around on daddy's back or over who has to get their diaper changed first. Today's fight was a first. While walking out the door Daniel quietly said "my mommy" Nathan's reply, "NO, my mommy!" and back and forth it went out the door into the car down the highway. Until.....we passed Matt's school where Daniel is always quick to notice and point out that it is "daddy's school." That was followed by Nathan saying "my daddy!" Daniel "NO, my daddy!" This argument has been going on for awhile and some things are not easy to explain to two year old boys. So the argument will go on.


Unknown said...

And that is how we learn patience. Love you so much. Oh this is Emily not Ryan.

Amberdawn said...

How fun! Hehehehe. At least they aren't old enough to tell you "I don't like you" yet.

Amy Piller said...

so cute! we miss those boys and you of course. Call me sometime, I have tried to call you but I think I always call at bed time, oops.

Brimaca said...

haha! Tha's funny!

jessi said...

That is so cute! At least you guys feel loved!

Hunter says that, and Carter hits hunter. So, Hunter came up with something else, Carter is MY baby.
Also, Kevin is as bad as the boys, he says, she is my wife and fights with Hunter! I have three little boys!!!

Jennifer Lyn said...

So funny! I love it when kids say funny things. And I love your new fam pics. You guys look great!

Alayna said...

No, MY Mern!

Amanda B. said...

What a cute thing to argue about. That is one argument you can feel good about. :o) Your family pictures turned out SO cute!