Thursday, July 30, 2009

He still makes me laugh.

Before I married Matthew one of my best friends asked me what it was I loved about him. My reply, "he makes me laugh." Her expression told me that she thought I was crazy for marrying someone for their sense of humor. Well obviously that is not the only reason I married Matt but for me it was right at the top of the list. If you know me then you know I laugh a lot anyway, but it has always been different with Matthew. After we met we quickly became best friends. We were always laughing and we were never apart. We have now been married four years. In four years we have lived in five different apartments. We have moved all the way across the country. We have both graduated from college. We have survived most of law school. We have made it through the trials and joys of having twin boys. Each year we share together is even better than the year before.

Many times in just the last week I laughed so hard I was in tears. Happy Anniversary Matthew. Thank you for still making me laugh!


No Big Dill said...

Yes, you need someone you can laugh with/at/around/whatever. Glad you guys have each other!

Astorga Crew said...

Happy Anniversary! Laughter was one of the things that drew me to David. Good times!

jessi said...

Happy anniversary!!! It was probably me that gave you a funny face!!! But I have come to realize laughter is what makes life wonderful!!! You can be going through the worst thing in the whole world, but if you have a sense of humor, everthing will be ok. My sister in law. Says, if you don't laugh, you'll probably cry!

Amberdawn said...

Happy Anniversary!

Emily said...

Okay, so you know I didn't say that because laughing isn't important, I love that you laugh together, it IS so important, I was just saying there has to be more, and obviously there is! You are incredible and are such a great example to me. I love you guys! I am glad he makes you so happy.

Amy Piller said...

I love you guys!!!!!!!! I am lucky to have both of you in my life and you both make me laugh. I love that I can completly be myself around both of you and although you might laugh at me you still love me, lol.

Marianne and Matt said...

Am I the Luckiest guy or what? Thanks Marianne, you are the BEST wife and mother. You always make me laugh too and I love to hear your laugh (even when everbody stares at us). You are the cutest! I love you.


tiare said...

that is one of the most important qualities in a least for me!!! when you're laughing, you aren't crying!!!!!!!!!

tiare said...

happy aniversary by the way!

Susie said...

What a cute photo you posted. Happy Anniversary to an awesome couple!

Wendy Noel said...

Very cute, very cute. Just to let you know, you will be either laughing or crying as they get older. I'm glad that you and Matt will be laughing together. sometimes the tears come in the middle of the laughter. Have a great anniversary. We love you guys and can't wait for you to move to OGDEN.

Shanie Ellison said...

Happy Anniversary! You have such a cute family!

Danielle said...

Awww, Happy Anniversary you two little love birds! I just love ya both.

Nick and Stacey said...

Love it! I think it is a great reason to pick someone...also big on my list! It is crazy how much you can do in four short years!

Nick said...

Nick here. First off congrats on the anniversary. Not to steal your thunder or anything Marianne but that's what made me fall in love with him too. Sorry Matt but it's true. Secondly, Stacey's comments has got me a little worried cause she never laughs at my jokes. hmmmmm.