Thursday, June 18, 2009

"Popcorn popping on the apricot tree"

We FINALLY decided to make popcorn with the boys for the first time EVER!! We made a whole Family Night of it. Matt even came up with a spur of the moment lesson relating us to a corn kernel and how life is like the popcorn machine. We get spun around and we are at times uncomfortably hot but as we do what's right and endure to the end we may eventually turn into a beautifully popped kernel of corn. The boys actually seemed to pay attention, and enjoy the little object lesson. The best part of course, chowing down on some delicious buttery popcorn!!


Susie said...

Did you sing the song????

Frank G. Noel said...

I love dress ups, Daniel is so funny, he seems to get some pretty
strange combinations. I hope that he is still into dressups when your
family gets home to Utah because I have some that are not getting much use now days.
We love you Dad

Frank G. Noel said...

I love dress ups, Daniel is so funny, he seems to get some pretty
strange combinations. I hope that he is still into dressups when your
family gets home to Utah because I have some that are not getting much use now days. Both Nathan and Daniel look so old. Nathan just looks at Daniel like he is used to a new look everyday. What was on Nathans head? Love Mom and Dad
We love you Dad