Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Some day I hope to have my own Apiary. Yes it's true, for a long time I have been fascinated by the magnificent Bee and would love to be a Beekeeper. I Was so excited when my friend Katy invited me to go with her for a full day Beekeeping workshop. We learned so much about the beautiful Honeybee. We also learned everything we would need to know to be a beekeeper. We tasted many different kinds of honey.....Cranberry honey being my favorite. We were able to see real bees in action up VERY close, and to top it all off we left with two bottles of our own local honey.
I can't wait for the day when I am able to extract my own honey from my own honeybees, and know what plants my bees have been visiting just from the delicious smell of the honey. You may laugh now.....but I think you'll be excited when you get a jar of honey from me each year at Christmas!!


Shanie Ellison said...

wow-wish i had that same love of visiting a bee farm except I had a very bad experience with bees a few years ago. got stung by a beehive of bees about 20 times. good thing im not allergic to them.

Wendy Noel said...

OK that is something I didn't know.

Amy Piller said...

Love it! I can't wait for my jar!

Brooke said...

Scary! Bees actually terrify me. I try to stay calm when they're around, but I go crazy at the sight of them. I've never even been stung--the thought just sounds horrible to me. I was very nervous seeing your bare arms in the pictures! I hope you didn't get stung! Did you read "The Secret Life of Bees"? There's some crucial bee-keeper info in there! :) I'm glad to hear you're still alive after your day with the bees.

Danielle said...

Okay, seriously..Mike and I were just talking about how awesome that would be. When you move back and live next door to me, maybe we can share a bee hive and be bee keepers together!!!

jessi said...

Wow! that is awesome! I will let you be the bee keeper out of the bunch....

Amberdawn said...

All I can say is, you are very brave. Bees make me scream. I do like honey though! I've heard that if you suffer from mild allergies and you eat some local honey every day that your allergies will get better. Do you know if that's true? Cranberry honey sounds really good!

No Big Dill said...

I just got a jar of blueberry honey(!) and some with honeycomb--want to come over and try them?

Alayna said...

Who knew you loved bees so much? I am glad you got to have such a fun experience. But I am even more glad that you got to wear that awesome headgear and posted a picture of it for our viewing pleasure!

Tasha said...

You make me laugh!!! All I can say is that it will be a good Christmas when I can put some of Marianne's homemade honey on my dinner role!

Amanda B. said...

Now that is cool. You are the first person I know who visited a honey-making camp. Love it! You shouldn't have advertised, cuz now you're gonna have a lot of people to send honey to at Christmastime. Add us to your list. :o)

Brooke said... that Kirklands store looks adorable online, but there aren't any in Colorado and it doesn't look like you can order online. Do you have any idea if there's any way to see all of their stuff online or will I just have to wait until I go to AZ next? :)

Nick and Stacey said...

That really is cool, looks like alot of fun! Don't worry I will be excited to get a jar of honey from you every year! haha!

tiare said...

yes, i would definitely love to be a she-beekeeper! ha ha!! my grandpa used to have a i miss it!!! it's the best natural sweetner! i use it all the time!
love your fascination!!!

Mrs. JM said...

i just want you to know ... that when you move back, i'm babysitting your kids so you can go on a date with your love and talk about something other than potty training. hopefully one day you'll move back and hold me to it because you're right, we're very lucky to have our parents here to bail us out when we need a break. you left me feeling all sorts of guilt.

Noel Family said...

Hey Chin, that bee keepers hat looks great on you. It kinda looks like you just finished swatting a bunch of bees off your head! :) Anyway, I'm definitely first in line for some of that home grown honey. Love that stuff.