Sunday, March 30, 2008

A day at the mall

We decided that it's not the best idea to let your babies ride the toys at the mall. Everytime they see the rides now they HAVE to go on them and Matt always gives in. He doesn't just let them ride one ride he makes sure they get to go on all four. This day they got to go on a train, a truck, an ice cream truck and a roller coaster. They had a blast and we had a lot of fun seeing their smiles. It was a fun day at the mall made even better because this week is Spring break for Matt and we are so excited to see a lot more of him around!!


Brooke said...

AAAAA! They're so cute! I love the outfits! The last time we were at Wal-Mart, we splurged and actually let Ellee ride a ride and she freaked out. It was the weirdest thing. I think it was because the ride was actually moving and usually we don't have quarters so we just sit her on the rides and make our own sound effects. Apparently she was used to that and the creepy carnival music scared her or something. :)

Amberdawn said...

Your boys are so cute! We let Buddy "ride" the rides but he didn't know they could move until just recently. My sister let him ride one and now he gets mad if we don't have quarters. It was better before he knew the truth. Now how long can we go before he figures out that the ice cream truck doesn't just drive around playing music...

Amanda and Miles said...

They are cute! Megan actually got scared when she on one. She enjoys more just getting in it and pushing the buttons.

Brimaca said...

We don't put money in either. He loves them when they move at Chuck E. Cheese but I'm scared to let him know they move anywhere else. :)

Brimaca said...

They are so cute. They change so much in between each of your posts.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you. I hope this works this time. This is exactly like it was last time. "MY BOYS" look so cute riding the rides, and the big boy behind them looks kind of cute to. I can't wait to get the pictures you sent so I can take them on the cruise and show Rich and Nancy. Keep the pictures coming. Love you guys, Mom L.

Unknown said...

This is crazy. I don't like how fast these kids are growing up. Sometimes it would be nice to keep them at a certain age until we are ready to let them move on. The boys look great...yeah I guess you can include Matt in that. We hope to see you soon.

Nick said...

I feel the same way! Nick always lets Mitchell do things, like push around the kid carts, and also let him ride in those car carts! I will never let him, so he gets mad at me! It is just too much to deal with, the ginormous cart, or trying to keep Mitchell from running into stuff or people when he is pushing his own cart!

Danielle said...

Ahh, they are so cute and big!! I've never let Parker ride one of those...germs. You know how I am. I deprive my children of fond childhood memories.

Marianne and Matt said...

Thanks for all the nice comments, and Danielle believe me I am the queen of disinfectant wipes!! I go through a pack a week wiping down everything they use and then their hands and face after thay use them. It's kind of a pain but it makes me feel better:)

Brimaca said...

You know you two make me paranoid. I rarely protect my child from germs but he is rarely sick. I try not to think about germs but then I read these entries and start to worry!

Marianne and Matt said...

I've heard you shouldn't worry so much cause if you protect them from EVERYTHING then when they go to school and are around everyone they will ALWAYS be sick. I try really hard not to be too paranoid, but sometimes I just have to pull out my disinfectant wipes:)