Friday, January 4, 2008

Our Christmas Vacation

Well our vacation is officially over. We are flying back to Utah tomorrow and yes we are pretty sad to be leaving. We had a great time even though we all took our turns being sick. We got to see family and some friends, we would have seen more had we been healthy. Anyway, I am writing to let you know that I will do my best to get our pictures and updates up soon. I don't have my cord to download pictures here in Utah so I'll work on it when we get home. It has been a great vacation and we are looking forward to the new year and keeping in touch with all of you!!


Brimaca said...

Can't wait!

Danielle said...

Aww man, I'm sad you are gone. Not that we really got to see much of each other. I could sense your closeness though.

Alayna said...

LOVE the blog! It is so good to see you, your adorable hubby, and your to-die-for kids! I miss you like crazy! Thanks for giving me your blog address so I can stalk you. You know I will check it everyday (not because I expect updates, just because my life is boring). One day when I can afford the internet at my house I will start a blog too. Love ya, Alayna

Frank G. Noel said...

Mom Noel
We Had So MUCH fun with you and the babies you and MAtt are so good at sharing the responsibility. You both work so hard, what lucky babies to have parents like you.
We can't wait to fly out in February to see you again. How blessed we are to have fourteen grandchildren and five sets of awesome parents.
Hand in there are remember they grow up right before your eyes. Love Mom

Danielle said...

Yo Flow! Where are you? I've been waiting for a post forever!

Brooke said...

I'm with Danielle on this one...I've been checking and checking and NOTHING'S changed. Where's your update!?!? :)

Nick said...

We finally got our blog up and going! I love all your guys pictures, and stories! Your boys are so cute, maybe we could get to gether when no one is sick! We need to see those cute boys. Hope all is well with you guys!

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of the boys sitting on the sand in their swim suits. Brenda came in and said it looks like a postcard, and it does. How precious they are. I can't wait to see them again.
Love you all,
Mom L.