I wasn't quite prepared for what life would be like while Matthew is studying for the bar exam. It's a little bit of a let down, having your husband graduate from three hard years of school only to celebrate for about 90 seconds before he is gone again and even more stressed out. Which causes more stress for me as well. I know he has a lot on his shoulders right now. He has been so worried about this exam as well as finding a job and moving into our own place. I almost in some ways miss the simpleness of living in Florida and going to school. Even with all of the stresses lately, I am still so happy to be around family and lifelong friends. It is the best thing ever to see your kids playing with their cousins and loving every second of it.
We are trying to make the best of this summer situation of Matt busier than ever, by keeping ourselves busy. So, the other day I told the boys we were going to the Logan Zoo. This is my conversation with Daniel.
Me: get your shoes on we are going to the Zoo.
Daniel: Oh, YAY we feed Giraffes?
Me: No, there will be no Giraffes.
Daniel: Oh, see the elephants?
Me: No, there will be no Elephants.
Daniel: oh (looking puzzled)
Me: We might see a duck.....if we are lucky.
Yes, the Zoo was very different from the Zoo we are accustomed to in Jacksonville, we did see some neat things but the boys were not too impressed. I think in some ways the change of moving from Florida is a little hard on the boys too. I still have to explain at least once a week why we can't go to the beach.
Things may be a little difficult right now but all I have to do is look at my two BEAUTIFUL boys and I can't help but feel abundantly blessed. It's hard to complain when you see their little smiles.